Friday, November 30, 2007

Thoughts on Preschool

My most vivid memory of preschool is sitting in time out. I had, on purpose, thrown a wooden block directly at a little boy's head. I was furious for getting in trouble, mostly because I felt justified in my actions. Ahh, good memories.

4K is currently in daycare. Why, you ask, would a 4 year old be in daycare instead of preschool? Well, let's see. The Ex has decided that 4K is not in 'need' of preschool. She is going to go straight to kindergarden next year. This is honestly the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I could understand if she was gifted and had a dedicated parent working with her. (hahaha) But this little one doesn't know her numbers, doesn't know her letters, and can't write her name! Three of the most important things needed to go into kindergarten. I'm not doubting that she could catch up, but why start a child on a road of disadvantage? C even agrees that 9K should have gone two years in preschool because he wasn't catching on. It would cost her an extra 200 bucks a month to have 4K in preschool this year. She would have gone to the preschool down the street from her current daycare provider. After school her daycare provider would pick her up so the Ex wouldn't have to do anything. *sigh*

The best thing to do in a situation when you can't change the other person is to change your attitude. I got flash cards for 4K, numbers and letters, and I plan on working with her until she goes into school next fall. Hopefully with my dedication she will not only be prepared, but ahead.

I'm going tomorrow with my Mama to get a pedicure. :) I need K time. I'm still not used to sharing with 3 kids who think everything is theirs. Funniest argument I've ever gotten in with a child:
9K: K, who's car is this?
Me: My car.
9K: No it's not. It's Daddys car.
Me: Well, we share, but technically it's my car. My name's on the paperwork, I insure it, and actually 9K, it was my first car before my truck.
9K: No it's not. It's Daddys car.
Me: What? Didnt' you hear a word I just said? This was my first car.
9K: Well it's everyone's car since it's Daddys. So it's mine and my sisters and you share it to.
Me: Um. No. It's my car. I share it with your father.
9K: Then it's ours too.
Me: No. It. Is. NOT. It's MINE.

All of a sudden I felt extremely possessive and I didn't want to share! I didn't want to share with a nine year old! Hahaha I look back at that and think, why did I fall into that? All I had to say was, "Yep. It's everyones." And that would have stopped the argument dead in its tracks instead of me getting all frustrated. Does anyone else have a hard time sharing? lol I need a time out...I'm about to start throwing blocks. :)


Unknown said...

That's really cool about the flashcards! And the pedicure sounds nice. Time to rest and feel good is so necessary! I have a hard time sharing stuff, too, sometimes.

MiChelly said...

We have a program here called More at 4. If you fall in a certain income level, preschool is free. Because we are military, we fall into the levels, so Derric gets to go to preschool for free.. Otherwise, it is $100 a week.. Talk about OUCH.

I want a pedicure... wait, no I don't lol. I hate people touching my feet.. I can't even stand a foot massage.

I am so possessive of my stuff. Mostly the stuff I had before getting married..

Alice Nelson (Playgroundropout) said...

OMG. your post had me laughing my ass off. I TOTALLY know what you mean. I get like that all the time.

In fact, you've just inspired my next blog post.

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Love the "about ready to throw blocks" thought process. Soooo been there. I have a hard time sharing, too. I was an only child, so I think it's a wee bit more difficult for the onlies of the world to share with the members of an instant family. Anyway, I feel your pain. I love your outlook, though.

Go for it with the flashcards. 4K will thank you someday for getting her started off on the right track.

suchsimplepleasures said...

i went, a few weeks ago, with my mom for a was so nice to have pampering done to me...
it's so hard to explain things to kids...they either, don't get it or they just don't want to get it. and, i would feel the same way...i'd want to throw the closest and hardest thing i could get my hands on...right at the kids face. good thing, as adults...we have some semblance of self-control(sometimes!) :)
great post...i'm a first timer here...i'm raising step-kids, full time so...i getchya!