Wednesday, January 2, 2008

One huge birthday party

Wow, so that was fun. I had some crazy chest/breathing thing, got better for 3 days, then got a horrible stomach virus. Yippie. :P

I am human again tho. Luckily. Oh and nothing like a good stomach virus to lose those few Christmas pounds! Thanks for the well wishes everyone. Very sweet. :)

Most exciting thing from Christmas: My gift. Yeah, yeah, watching the kids open stuff was cool, but that selfish side of me kicks in and woo-wee I love gifts.

So my major complaint in life (and I'm sure it lurks in the back of y'alls minds too) is that I don't get first anything. Not the first marriage, not the first kid, not even the first boy or girl. Nada. I must whine about it more than I thought I did, that or C knows how much it really does bother me, because he got me this beautiful silver photo album from Things Remembered and on it he had them engrave, "Our Life of Firsts Starts Here" :) Soo sweet. I swear he is the most thoughtful, and loving man I could ever want.

New mission: Take lots of pictures :) He even said he will be a willing participant, and Lord knows C hates pictures!

7K's birthday is Saturday, then mine is next Friday, the 11'th then C's is the 21'st. A whole slew of birthdays! C still gives me crap for forgetting his birthday last year.... We were barely friends! I can't forget it. 10 years, 10 days :) His Jan 21st 1975, Mine Jan 11 1985. Awwwww....we should just have one huge birthday party...


Anonymous said...

What a very thoughtful gift, indeed. And I can't believe you were born in 1985. Seriously... :)

jules said...

1985? lol

What a sweet gift :)

Alice Nelson (Playgroundropout) said...

That is a perfect gift. My heart melted when I read that.

Lacey said...

Just saying "hey." Found you at Stephanie's Place. Sounds like we are in a common place! =)

Smirking Cat said...

About the never having the "firsts" thing...I had said something similiar, and my boyfriend (who was married before and has kids) seemed surprised and started listing all kinds of things that were the first time he had done something (places we had been, jokes we share, conversations we've had, funny things that have happened, etc.), and it helped me realize our relationship is special, no matter who we were with before. There are probably a lot of firsts that you may have overlooked.