Sunday, December 7, 2008

When the Sh.t hits the doesn't rain gumdrops

So the emails between 10K's teacher and I have gotten so long and numerous since I last posted that it would be futile to subject you to reading all of them. So, to sum up what has happened in the past 2 weeks, he is getting in a lot of trouble at school, behavior in class as well as toward other students is abysmal at best. He has been lying to us, as well as to his teacher, and is now in "emotion management" (aka anger management) once a week for group sessions. We were also suggested to seek outside therapy as this is not enough for his severe issues. So we are. C and I are meeting with a therapist on Thursday to discuss 10K and his recent setbacks. From then on he will meet once a week with said therapist for an hour. Hopefully this will bring peace back into our home. I am also going to seek therapy through a woman at my church. She runs small groups and is a great listener, which is what I really need. She is a step mom to an angry teenager so she will, I'm sure, have plenty to share with me. In other news, Thanksgiving was lovely and we are looking forward to being able to do a little Christmas shopping over the next few weeks. Lord knows if I wasn't so critical of credit cards or worried about paying rent I would have therapy shopped us into a million dollar debt right now. Luckily my head is screwed on a little more straight than that. I still won't give up my Starbucks though. Not now, not ever. :)

Looking forward to hours of therapy,


Mrs M said...

Awe, you are realy having a time of it K, I hope the therapy gives you all a way forward.

Stephanie said...

Glad to hear you're reaching out for some local support, too. It has been invaluable to me, as has therapy. I'll be saying a prayer for you that it's exactly what you need to work through the issues with 10K and keep your sanity. :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if it's the holidays or what. We have our first appointment with a child psychologist next week and I'm strongly considering therapy for myself just to deal with the everyday issues of stepmomhood. I hope that the therapy helps you all - I always think that it can't hurt you know?

The StepMom said...

I totally get where you are. It is so very frustrating. Just remember it gets better and it always won't be like this...

Oh, and about the Starbucks- You about made me about pee myself.... I was laughing so hard! I totally get that. And I wouldn't give it up either.