Friday, September 28, 2007

Crazy Time!

Phew! I know it's been a while since I had TWOOOO seconds to sit down and write something on here. So much to say!

First off: 4K had a great birthday! C and I went on a hunt for the perfect pinata and found one at a mexican party store for 9.99 that I could have easily smuggled myself across the border inside. (I *think* that might just be the way they are doin it now! haha JK) Thank god for living in California. Cheap pinatas, cheap fantastic mexican food...yum. Anyways! We did a Princess birthday (mostly Cinderella. Evil step mom. Go figure) and she loved it. It was a blast.

I wrote my first child support check. It made me really reallllly unhappy. But I did it, and I pictured the chillins eating good food for once. HAHAHA yeah right!

I applied for a job (and interviewed) working with a dance company for kids as a teacher. It's totally me! I'm way exicted.

I am quitting my Tues. Thurs. nanny job ASAP. Perhaps it's because I find her attitude about paying me to be, ooh, lackadaisical at best, or maybe it's because her house is filthy and I don't get thanked for cleaning it, or if I read a book while the kids play I get told that "she sees a lot of slack" and that the kids "honestly" tell her what they do everyday...(riiiight) and there are never any toys out when she gets home...(uh huuuh) So this is how their conversation goes I'm sure, "So my precious daughter and son --that I treat like crap and that don't respect me enough to spit on the ground I walk on--what did you do today with Miss K?" "nothing." "Oh nothing at all??--not that I should care because when I'm home I just scream and tell you to go watch Pearl Harbor movies--"well, Miss K read a book" says Aidyn. 'OOOH REALLY' says Crazy Mom, and next thing you know I'm getting reamed.

When, if she EVER asked ME, I would say, "Well we set up a play date with another three year old down the street. he came over and we all sat at the table playing playdoh and race cars in which I made about 200 "roads" out of play doh again and again. Then we had a snack, and cleaned up the play doh. We got our shoes and socks on, put together a whole bunch of sand toys and walked to the park. I helped each child across the monkey bars so many times people would have thought my shirt was supposed to be covered in shoe prints. We had another snack and some Gatorade, built a castle in the sand, chased bugs and...OMG Miss K read a book! while they played a game they made up, a game that didn't include me. Why was she so keen on remembering the book? Maybe because I told her I really liked it. That reading is important. That we can read a book when we get back. Who knows? Back at the house I again was asked to make 'roads' again and again and again for the hot wheels to be smashed into. Little friend goes home, brother comes home from Kindergarten with neighbor and I give Aidyn lunch, and next thing you show up. (This was just an 8-1 day!) You know why asking me would be a better choice? Maaaybe it's because I have a longer attention span and larger memory capacity than a three year old. JUST maybe.

That's like saying, there are no dishes in the sink...did the kids eat?! Yes, but -lo and behold- I am one of those thoughtful people on this planet. I clean UP after the children I watch. Sooo needless to say, Tuesday I didn't clean a damned thing. Nothing. Nada. The house looked exactly like it did when I got there. Trashed. And I left it that way. Then, I once again didn't get paid. Foul, evil, woman. A quick note to all the moms out there...KEEP YOUR NANNY/BABYSITTER HAPPY! The people that are prompt, (if you say you will be home by 10, don't call at 10:15 and say you'll be there in an hour, we have lives too.) pay well, (an extra 5 bucks here and there) and take the time to be nice, receive the best childcare. No one means to take it out on the kids when the parents suck, but it happens sometimes. I know there are Tues and Thurs where I just pop in a movie because, I'm -so- not getting paid enough to do everything that needs to be done around there.

Enough griping. Once I figure out how to use the scanner I have the cutest drawing 7K did for me last week. Yep. It says "I love you new step mom" :D

Yes, I know, I rule.

1 comment:

Alice Nelson (Playgroundropout) said...

It sucks not to be appreciated - especially at work. I'm so sorry that she doesnt see all the hardwork and energy you put into each day!

And - cant wait to see the drawing :) That is so cute.