Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Mostly Work

So it's Wednesday again, which means I have the 2 babies today...Leiven and Conan. It's so funny because the 9 month old beats up the older baby! He just grabs pacifiers out of Conan's mouth, lol good times.

Well, I quit the Tues. Thurs. job, so no more Aidyn and Grant. I feel badly because my job is such an emotional one, it's hard to put those emotions aside and focus on treating it for what it is, my job. C put it really well. He said, "K, look at like this. If you worked for a company and every day you got there and your computer was broken, they wouldn't fix it, no one around you had done their job and to top it off your paycheck was late/nonexistent, would you stick around?" No, of course not, no one would. But that was exactly the position I was in. C was great and role-played my phone conversation with the Crazy Mom and I was able to do it with out sounding like a blubbering idiot. I was quite proud.

I start my new job tomorrow, and I couldn't be more excited!

We had the kids last was a pretty uneventful couple of days. I had to work Friday so I didn't see them at all. Saturday consisted of (A LOT) of whining. I don't know what the issue was but we went out to La Jolla to the tide pools and the hour before we left consisted mostly of tears from 7K, yelling from 9K and fussing from 4K. I told C maybe we just shouldn't GO because they were being so whiny. We went anyways and all three fell asleep on the way out there, and on the way home. I don't think they sleep well when they are with us...I dunno..or maybe they just aren't getting enough during the week. Sunday we went to a new church, CBC, community bible church. The pastor is so energetic and passionate and funny. He is an ex-con, the youngest entrepreneur to ever take a company public, a scam company but nevertheless...very interesting guy. We are excited to continue going there.

Alright, back to tiny cubes of chicken and the backyardagins :) Hope every one's having a great week!

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