Monday, October 27, 2008


Oh it was so nice. I spent the whole day with my sister's cheerleading troupe and C had the kids. They went to the pumpkin patch, and then he took 8K to her brownie groups meeting at the ice skating rink. I think it was really nice for both of us. My sister has been missing me a lot since I've gotten married and been so dang busy with the kids it's left little time for her. My mom says she asks about me all the time, but doesn't want to call because she's scared I'll say I can't come over, and the disappointment is too much for her to even call. It breaks my heart. I love her so much and I'm too busy dealing with the craziness of handling his kids I don't have time for the one closest to my heart. I've decided that I need to spend more time with her, so C can have alone time with his kids, and my sister doesn't feel pushed to the wayside. :)

Going to LA for Halloween! Yaaay! C and I are going to be Mickey and Mallory Knox from Natural Born Killers. (great, twisted movie) Hope everyone has a good Monday!

1 comment:

Stepmonster said...

Glad you got some 'you' time. Been in steplife for almost ten years and learned the hard way that 'you' time is escential. Sisters are such a great asset aren't they- I have 3!!!